Sexy Dreams! By Michelle Janssen

Last night I had a dream that I was dating Russell Brand. As it turns out though, I’ve even let my sensible, logical self into the arena of dreams. Sexy sabotage, if you will.

Here’s how the dream went:

Michelle Janssen, famous and successful in her own right so she is equal to her partner, drives along with Russell Brand, comedian and general sexy man.

As they’re driving, Russell says, “Okay, darling. I’m about to get on a plane to Australia. Isn’t it so sad that you can’t come with me, when that is your homeland? So cruel!”

I expressed my disappointment by making out with him.

Then, instead of driving to the airport, (in LA, I’ve been there so I accurately picture it, whatever) he drove to a spot by some sort of lake with candles and you know other such romantic hoopla.

Russell: “I have to say that I cancelled my trip to Australia and I am in love with you”.

(Here’s where emotionally disabled Michelle, even in her DREAMS, comes out) Michelle: Ooh, ah. Okay.

Cut to Michelle and Russell on a bench, on a busy city street, outside a well lit convenience store.

Michelle: Look, Russell Brand. I just think this is too soon after Katy Perry.

Russell: I know, but I’m just trying to express how I feel.

Michelle: I know, but look where that got you. Let’s not make the same mistakes.

Russell: You can’t go living your life constantly suspecting people, you will miss out on genuine opportunities for love.

Michelle: This is true and everything you do is amazing.




In her 20s, Michelle is a modern woman walking confidently about town, casually using her fly buys rewards card to feel like a true grown up. Her goal is to be a combination of Oprah &Tina Fey.

See Michelle's profile.

Michelle's website.


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